Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine have a rich 3000+ year history of successfully helping patients in the management and treatment of various health complaints. Long-recognized in other cultures as a powerful medicine, newly published studies provide evidence of the efficacy of utilizing acupuncture in the management of various health concerns, pain being among the most notable.
The Japanese and Korean style acupuncture which I practice uses thinner needles and gentler–though still incredibly effective–manipulation, making it appropriate for all patients, including those who are needle-sensitive.
To further enhance my ability to address particular concerns or work with specific patients, I have completed additional specialty acupuncture training in the following areas:
– Sports acupuncture, including motor points
– Kototama (Japanese-style)
– Dr. Tan method for addressing pain
– Pediatric acupuncture or Shonishin
– Five Element
– Oncology acupuncture through Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding acupuncture can be found here. Should you have additional questions or if you would like to find out if acupuncture might work for you, contact me to schedule your free 10-minute consult.
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