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Exploring the Healing Journey

Currently on Sabbatical
Upon my return to practice, sessions will be available virtually or in-person (Longmont) by appointment only. Send a message via the Contact Us page to be notified regarding practice updates, including early access to appointment scheduling when my practice reopens.

Wouldn’t life be so much easier if the Universe simply delivered us an article to read about a particular challenge, rather than having to face it and find a way through it ourselves? Ah, if only. But despite those challenges, there are always silver linings. While I’d rather have avoided each injury, diagnosis, or medical issue thrown our way, those experiences have deepened my understanding of complementary and Western medicine, better informing my integrative practice. With each new experience, I am better equipped to help patients navigate their own health challenges, including self-care treatment plans to help them effectively find balance and harmony while on their own healing journey.

My most recent challenge recovering from Guillain-Barre has been no different. It’s been rather like a giant reset button; frustrating slow recovery at times (as neurological injuries often are), but also a quietening of my mind and that has helped deepen my connection to Nature. Glimpses of how these experiences will help my practice to evolve are beginning to form a clearer picture and understanding of how I can best translate them to benefit my patients.

I’m frequently awestruck at the incredible healing simple self-care practices offer. As my patients can attest, the empowerment and healing afforded through the learning and practice of self-care skills has always been a cornerstone of my practice. Looking back, we had only just scratched the surface. Now, there is an even more amazing array of self-care skills which I am learning, living in, and better understanding how to weave together to create harmony and support health wherever I might be on my healing journey. I look forward to sharing this plan for individualized self-care with each patient, incorporating it into specialized integrated sessions of acupuncture, herbs, nutrition, stone medicine, Mayan Abdominal Therapy and Nature therapy.


In-person and out-calls

Virtual Appointments